Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Go play...

Hi dahlings,

It's been tooo long, and I'm missing you all, not to mention I've been receiving plaintive pleas for more posts, and the Novel, well, what can I say but progress has been slow. Writing for you is so much more fun, so I simply gotta tell you about our antics of late and a fabulous local film company and concept.

Summer's knocking on our doors, so we're tentatively putting our big toes back in the early morning waters at the St James tidal pool, which regular readers will recall was a great cause of enjoyment for us at the beginning of the year and this blog. To catch the pool at high tide as the sun rises must rate as one of life's greatest thrills, and it's all for the asking (hefty local rates aside.)

On one of our sunrise sorties we were thrilled to reacquaint ourselves with some of our early summer swimming companions, all smiles, handshakes and reminders of names. There is such a shared sense of the joy of the intoxicating salt water and blue sky that unites outdoor swimmers, which seems to be the absolute antithesis to the antagonism and hellbent attitude of gym swimmers, who these days seem to wear viking helmets, hand fins and flippers (not to mention grim, very grim, expressions) to get them from one end of the pool to the other. St James is simply a representation of happiness to me. No lane rage here (see earlier blog posts.)

As we were drying ourselves off, a trio of camera wielding  young folk arrived on the beach, and as it transpired, were a film crew looking to see what people in Cape Town were doing to enjoy their beautiful city. Enter Michael, Justine and Warren from Green Renaissance, a small local company focussing on eco friendly ventures to pay the bills, and watching Cape Town at play for their own edification and fun. And so we met and struck up conversation and friendship, and had fun sharing our feelings about our beloved Mother City.

A finer trio of young things you could not meet, and I silently(?) bemoaned the fact that life and opportunities in my formative years did not allow me to become a fledgling documentary maker. Aah, but theMischievous Fairy came to my rescue, and said, "Suzy Q, this is your opportunity to star in a swimsuit shoot instead."  Kids, this ol' gal not quite dead in the water yet, and we were invited back later in the week to swim for the camera to seal the deal on the movie. 

Requests aplenty I had for body doubles, but in the end I went cold turkey and braved the icy waters with Mr Suzy Q at my side. Who knows what the end results will reveal, (gulp!?) but it was such a fun little interlude. We so enjoyed meeting the innovative Green Renaissance team that we invited them home for breakfast (semi eco friendly - my fears that they were all raving herbivores were fortunately unfounded) and we had a fun filled morning.

But the message as conveyed by them was, Go Play!! Let's do it. We are fortunate enough to live in the most beautiful city in the world (it's official, as if we didn't know it already) so let's see the sights and celebrate her natural splendours. So as they say, yeah, let's go play...

Lotsa love,

Suzy Q (yeah, looks like I'm back!) xx