Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Nothing lasts forever.

Not wishing to worry you, but Suzy Q has experienced two heart stopping moments lately. As you might have gathered, I have been attempting to temper my wine drinking habits as part of this fresh new year, not forgetting the little wedding dress revival in mind, so have been keeping stocks pretty low to keep temptation at bay. However, come Sunday, and with an esteemed foreign arrival for lunch, fresh off the plane, I opened the wine fridge over optimistically, to discover, quelle horreur, no white wine! Now how on earth could such a crisis have occurred? Water, water everywhere, and not a drop to drink. Our rules still harken back to the Dark Ages here, making it impossible to purchase alcohol on the Day of the Sabbath (even though you can go to the movies or shop at Woollies on Christmas Day.) Never fear, I have my own local little secret source for Sunday emergencies, and hotfooted it to the Steenberg Winery, who have a sensible approach to wine sales. The place was hopping, so I didn't feel too bad, until I ran my eye down the list and discovered, more quelle horreur, that my favourite tipple, the Klein Steenberg 2011 Sauvignon Blanc was SOLD OUT. "Alas and alack," I cried, "did you make too little or did we drink too much?"

There were no answers or solutions to my deep and probing questions, save to say, that when something as precious, or limited as vintage wine, friendship, trust,  health,  laughter, love or life has run out, there's no getting it back, sad to say.

So with that in mind, forgetting that we are all a little fatigued from having too many things on the go at the mo, I rolled over in bed this morning at first light, thinking how lovely it would be to stay in for a snuggle. Then I thought, "summer doesn't last forever, we'll have a long wet, winter when we won't be able to dash off to St James to swim, one day my limbs might not be working as well as today," so I nudged Mr Suzy Q awake. We were dubious as we headed off in that direction as it was chilly and a bit breezy, but the tidal pool was fantastic and our stout efforts were richly rewarded. Waves were breaking so thick and fast over the wall that it was like swimming in the open surf, the water was warm and frothy, and it was a joy to see my beloved's smiling face bobbing in the waves as I battled the current. I'm so glad we didn't miss the opportunity to have such a refreshing start to our day.

So dear friends, whatever it is you want to do today, while the sun still shines, make hay...


Suzy Q

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