Saturday, February 25, 2012

Just back, but in great haste!

Happy days are here again! My beloved, but aged MacBook is back from ihospital, having cost nearly as much as a boob job, only please don't mention this to Mr Suzy Q as he thinks that this baby should be replaced with a better priced, but totally boring laptop. Hey dude, where's the loyalty here? You're talking about my best bud, but Rex. It would be like losing my best friend, as this mac houses so many memories, (learning to use a computer at my advanced age!!) as well as my photos, music and correspondence, scribblings, plus the historic beginnings of this blog. Besides, though it may be dated like me, nothing beats it's sleek and sexy design. No way I say!! The interesting thing is how dependent I am on my little mac, even though I am known as something of a luddite. I couldn't email, so I had to phone friends, couldn't read the papers so am clueless about what's been happening in the world, couldn't do any banking, and even worse, I couldn't write for you. I haven't had much time to test out the upgrade of my operating system, but what little I've done seems to be running smoothly and I've even managed to reload some of those pictures on older posts, so please do go back for a smile. The ones I haven't managed (you won't believe that it is a bit of a mission) I'll try to do after the Big Day. Promise you'll forgive me please girls? And is it true we even have a few men following us, trying to delve deep into the secrets of the middle aged female psyche!? Well thanks for your time guys, and I wish you much luck!!
Welcome back mac!

And in that vein, I must apologize in advance as it seems unlikely that I'll have much time to write, yet alone breathe during the forthcoming week, as our 20th wedding anniversary party, which has grown like Topsy, has become all consuming. At least I'll be well practised for the Misses Suzy Q's weddings, if they ever decide to get married, as it seems to be a dying trend, at least in our families. Millions of gorgeous nephews and nieces and not a whiff of a free party, hence our big celebration. This time of planning, preparation, and haemmoraghing vast sums of money, whilst exhausting, is also very exciting, as I'm meeting so many lovely people along the way in the line of flowers, fabrics, food, music and of course fine wines. When the dust has settled, I'll share these people and experiences with you. It is of course, also a time for reflection, and hence an emotional time, (whatever gave you the impression that Suzy Q was prone to shedding soppy tears?) as I consider the gift of marriage to a wonderful man, who is a fantastic husband and father, for our fidelity and for the extra gifts of two beautiful, happy, healthy children, whom it has been my greatest privilege and pleasure to raise. Needless to say, my thoughts are with much loved people, departed parents and friends, beloved siblings, in-laws, nieces and nephews and friends who will not be with us on this happy day. Please if you will, pause to share a prayer with us at 11.30 am on Wednesday 29th February 2012 and I promise I'll be thinking of you too.

But to all the rest of ya who are making a great effort to be with us in the middle of the day in the middle of the week, gamely forgoing work or the school run, thank you! I'm really looking forward to renewing our vows and celebrating the day away, so I  hope it's going to be an enjoyable a day for you too.

Suzy Q signing off for a short while, but I'll send you a postcard! 

Mwaah... xx 

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