Wednesday, August 22, 2012

For the love of fresh air...

Whilst I am loving writing my blog and enjoying the positive feedback I've been receiving from you dear readers this year, I think I've missed my mark, or need to find a new vocation. Yes sirree, in her next life, your Suzy Q is going to apply for the job of naming air fresheners. Whilst I've yet to sit beside anybody on a plane or train who gives their job description as "Namer of air fresheners" there must be somebody, if not many bodies, who actually do this job. 

Now, bearing in mind that this is a universally accepted household product, there are many, many fresheners out there on the production line requiring original, descriptive, captivating, and most importantly, good sales names. I'm a fresh air freak of note, and many's the classroom from which I've been evicted for flinging open the windows in the middle of winter, and friends know to bring an overcoat when they come to eat as it's al fresco all the way, never mind the weather. So my idea of fresh air is along the spring blossom, sea breeze lines.

Looking at my current clutch of fresheners I'm amazed at the range of words used to describe them. (BTW special on a three pack at Pick 'n' Pay at the moment guys and gals.) My Scottish heart will ne'er allow me to miss a bargain, no matter how bad, which reminds me of an article I read recently with regard to people tightening their belts in these recessionary times. Today's middle class 20 - 30 year olds are in no way attuned to thrift as we are, so I'm also bemoaning the fact that I have evolved into that terribly boring species, The Thrifty Housewife. Why can't I say, "May as well hang for a sheep as lamb," or "let's go the whole hog," and blow it all on a fine fillet rather than trying to make a pound of mince into five fascinating new dishes to last the week? Huh!? I sense a seed change coming kids, watch this space...

But as usual I digress, back to the names of air fresheners, which range from the bewildering, to the bemusing to the downright bizarre, all with Capital B's. In my possession I have:

 Sparkling Citrus - is this meant to be drunk?
 Strawberries and Cream - a treat for Wimbledon or what?
Clean Linen - sorry but I just don't get the connection!

Interestingly enough, whilst researching for this posting, I discovered that there are not only people who name these products, but those who test them too. Hmm, the mind boggles at the criteria they use, and how they rate them according to an intricate scoring system. Sounds something akin to the Air Fresh Olympics, as scores rate from 4,8 (Country Berries) to 6,9 (Sunny Days) for those who are interested. Seems folks don't like to associate food with it's end product and the odorous aftermath, but prefer thinking of Airwick's Scented Oil Island Paradise, coming in for the Bronze at 5.8 after narrowly being pipped for the Silver by Glade's Hawaiian Breeze at 5.9 

When I take up my new job, I think I'll just get straight to the point, and call it (for all sprays seem to smell the same anyway) Out, out, damn odour, and make it snappy before the next person uses the ablutions. On the subject, I'm rather anti the little dangly things people hang on their rear view mirrors also under the guise of freshening the interior. Even worse, the pong of the stuff they use after the odd proper wash-and-vac my dear little car receives, which smells more like a night in Hong Kong than a field of lilies or an orchard of cherry blossom.

But on that fragrant note, I must just include my all time personal favourite, the air freshener mysteriously named Summer Romance. WHAT went wrong in the love life of the marketing man responsible for that one, I'd love to know. Still, it's the spray of choice for the bathroom used by the Misses SQ (my warped sense of humour coming into play) but I do hope I'm not putting them off romance for life even if they laugh every time they see the can.

Also rather liked these ads for Sapilo air fresheners and hope you get a laugh from them too. Please let me know if you get the odd chuckle from reading my blog, and if there's anything specially you'd like to put out there for discussion. Love to hear from you! 
And if you enjoyed this posting, you might like to go back to Chemical Warfare 12/2/12 if you have recently started reading my blog.

Thanks as always for taking time out of your busy days to read me,
Suzy Q

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