Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Somewhat Shamefaced (temporary) Return of Suzy Q...

Buon giorno one and all, and my apologies for not getting back to business sooner. The reasons/excuses are various, but I've heard you loud and clear (you beg too hard) so I'll fill you in...

I did indeed have a wonderful time in the Cinque Terre with fabulous company, but will do a posting on that tomorrow, and am safely home with my family. I hit the ground running on return, with a trip up the West Coast to take Miss SQ No 2 and her mates to their first official rock festival, the charmingly named Rocking the Daisies, now that they've come of age. Well, as usual I donned my unpaid chauffeur's cap, and became The Invisible Woman.  The hype and conversations about what he said and she did or didn't do kept me entertained all the way, until we hit massive roadworks and heavy traffic along the badly timed stop-go system with many other wannabe rockers behaving en route in a manner which did not do their parents proud. The reality of  a whole weekend trapped amongst so many drunken revellers started to sink slowly into the young ladies heads, and an uncertain silence fell over the car.

Poor said little car was soon caked in red dust and competing with the usual "I own the road" SUV's along the rough farm track to the festival. Granted it seemed to be very well organized, but my stress levels were quite high, and a nip at the wine co-op we'd passed earlier was looking rather tempting but for the long road home again. At the drop off point the fledgling rockers had to bail out pretty quickly, and did I detect a note of panic in their voices as they tried to avoid the arcs of male urine already in operation and wonder how they would find their friends with the tent, in the proverbial needle in a haystack?

They all seem to have survived and came home starving, dehydrated, exhausted but thankfully not sunburnt, with no express wishes to buy tickets for Synergy, the next up and coming rock fest. Still you never know, like labour pains, which seem to be forgotten, we all seem to go back again. 

Thereafter, I fell foul of some dreaded lergy, no doubt the result of recycled airline bugs, and was laid low for a while, doubled with trouble from the dodgy knee. Sure, even though I celebrated another birthday while I was away this didn't make me feel THAT much older, did it!? Bearing in mind that I travelled with an almost octogenarian who put us 50 somethings through our paces there are absolutely no excuses for EVER complaining about age, so I'm as young as the sun.

I was, needless to say, very sad, and this is probably the main reason I haven't written for a while, to hear that my opera hopeful didn't pass his audition for the UCT Opera School. There seems to have been a misunderstanding or beurocratic bungle, or maybe he simply didn't make the grade (he had 'flu on the day of the audition) but, what can I say, I had such high hopes for him and hate to see his ambitions dashed, even though I've told him of my motto to "never say die."

But all that to say, hello again and thanks for your patience. Tales from the Three Cinque Terrors tomorrow...

With love,

Suzy Q xx

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