Ok, it's official, we are hedonists of note. Not all of it is good for us, and from time to time, we do try to temper our ways, but you know how it goes, of late, we have kinda been on a roll. This hasn't been helped by receiving a gift of note from a divine couple, who just might have read us right, on the occasion of our 20th wedding anniversary, by giving us a six bottle wine cooler for the table.Yup, still relishing that great day. We were touched and surprized by the lovely gifts we received from our friends, thank you all, as we had specifically avoided the bridal registry route when we got married by simply inviting a few close friends to lunch, then forewarning them the day before that there was a little church service to attend beforehand. "Blow me down", they all said, and some people still do, to the girl who never wanted to get married nor have children. (There are reasons, I can assure you, but I won't go into them now.) Hence our milestone anniversary was such an important day for us, me in particular, as I have broken all family marital records by a long chalk, or three.
But back to the gifts good friends so kindly brought us, even though it was only their company and moral support we sought. I love the wine cooler which comfortably houses six bottles of wine or bubbly. It has such pizzazz and has "PARTY" stamped all over it's cute face. So what better than oysters to go with all the ice and MCC? My favourite source, other than a trip to the Knysna Oyster Factory (now a boring emporium, a far cry from it's fun and unpretentious days, way back when Suzy Q was a mere slip of a girl) is the Southern Cross Deli in the Westlake Lifestyle (whatever that might mean!?) Centre. Now true confessions of a semi Catholic raised girl (well I was finally baptised aged five and my mom used the Friday night fish torture as a means of brainwashing us into believing that fish was "brainfood") but these days I adore my goldfish flopping and reproducing in our fountain, and cook fish under duress, wearing a nose peg and rubber gloves, even though I know we should digest the smelly, oily little creatures at least three times a week. So to get me into a fish shop takes some doing, but you know me kids, the things I do for love (or oysters) So, Southern Cross Seafood Deli it is for me. Ph: 021-7023922 for the most fabulous, fresh, shucked oysters and sushi platters. A quick call and a party is organized, whilst Suzy Q dons her old pinny and bakes the homemade soda bread Mr SQ adores.
Saying all this, and being a pretty regular and loyal customer, I do wish Paul, the owner would take note on the odd occasion when I've mentioned a suspicious oyster, rather than playing the "nobody's ever complained bed bug letter trick" on me, and chuck in the odd replacement crustacean to keep me sweet, no harm keeping your top customer happy old chappy! We all know better now than to mess with your own darling Suzy Q!
Wishing you, dear kind people who are taking time to read me, a wonderful weekend. Love you xx
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