Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Home Alone... (well almost)

The rarest of all rare things has happened to me. I've often dreamed of this happening, but now that it has, I'm not really sure that I'm enjoying it. Mr Suzy Q is away on business, and sadly long gone are the days when the little ones used to fight about whose turn it was to share my bed during his absences, usually ending up with both of them, warm and restless as kittens in bed and me on the floor. No, the little Misses SQ are both sleeping out, leaving me home alone with Rex, and that famous bachelor girl dinner of a packet of Nacho's and a few glasses of wine.( Rex I might mention is being hand fed the finest biltong, usually reserved for Springbok games only, but please don't mention this to Mr SQ, and is lying with his head on my chest, trying desperately to either distract me or write for me.) 

Well it has been a nerve wracking day, what can I say? Firstly I had to stop procrastinating and give Miss SQ No 2 a little nudge in the direction of the driving license she so desperately desires. Term time means she's too busy or too tired to practice driving, but now that the holidays are upon us, it's our daily duty to drive a bit together every day. Now, while this is not meant as a means of comparison, as we mothers already know all too well how different each of our offspring are, Miss SQ No 1 sailed through learning to cycle and got her driver's license first time off. Her younger sibling, as soon as she got her balance on a bicycle, headed straight for the first and only tree she could see. So you can understand why I am like the Push-me-pull-you in Dr. Doolittle. Also, I simply can't understand why a straight A English student can't distinguish between the words "stop" and "go"? Anybody who hasn't sat in a busy intersection in a car in the hands of a stalling teenager has never experienced real terror. I'd rather a double feature (remember those?) of The Shining and Blind Terror, but still, these duties seem to befall me. Needless to say, the little lunch we had planned afterwards never happened - perhaps on another, non driving lesson day.

Then there was that horrific accident on our doorstep which has upset me so badly. The fragility of life and the horror of being in the wrong place at the wrong time dear friends. Guardian angels please protect us all, especially our children all newly on the roads! 

Now those nearest to me know how I phantasize about my future life in my ice white, uncluttered cube with a divine, unobstructed sea view and very little else to do but sip champagne from our fabulous new wine cooler after a day of writing for you. No garbage, no groceries, no school run, no packed lunches, no faddy diets, no nothing except what I want to do for ME. (Whoever that might be after all these years of servitude!? Nothing like singing along to "Born to be Wild" whilst filling the sugar bowl and emptying the dishwasher hey gals?) But sad to say, tonight, an eerie quietude hangs heavy around our house. No laughter, no banter, no news of the day. No sharing of a meal and a bit of a chat about this and that. What will happen if I trip over Rex and crack my skull? I really am a little nervous. Jack the Ripper, are you out there anywhere? An article I read recently stated how much people are relishing living fulsome lives on their own. I'm not so sure right now.

But if Mr SQ could see me now, wow, what would he have to say? Rex and I are up on the couch, about to watch a doggy movie, all the doors and windows are open, my favourite old rock music is not quite blaring out, but it's there, and the wine will no doubt flow. I tend to blame this on my genes rather than on my lack of willpower - much easier. Maybe Rebel Girl will return for just one evening. But tomorrow will see your Suzy Q donning her pinny and putting a wholesome meal on the table, and eagerly awaiting the return of her brood with an oversized smile on her dial. Come back darlings, all is forgiven!

Uh oh, it's way past midnight, and oh damn, did the patio door accidentally slam shortly after our charming neighbour's lights went out? Honestly, you need to be more careful, shame on you Suzy Q!!

Night night y'all xx

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